
No one knows they are not dreaming. Not one of us. Not ever. Not for a single moment of our lives.
15.07.2011 в 16:31
Пишет  mushlya:

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15.07.2011 в 17:28

Gas Powered Stick! It never runs out of gas!
Китай-кун *_*
15.07.2011 в 17:41

No one knows they are not dreaming. Not one of us. Not ever. Not for a single moment of our lives.
Хитсачка 2.0 Это откуда? красииииивый *_*
15.07.2011 в 17:56

Gas Powered Stick! It never runs out of gas!
ну как же.
Это Китай из Хеталии =3
просто арт на тему древней мифологии.
15.07.2011 в 18:33

No one knows they are not dreaming. Not one of us. Not ever. Not for a single moment of our lives.
Хитсачка 2.0 М, не смотрела еще ее)

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